Happy Valentine’s Day and Give-Away Reminder

Five Valentine’s Day projects complete and one more to go! This is what I’ve been working on since Sunday – nearly 100 heart cookie pops for a trade show that is being held today. I rushed all the cookies outside to take a photo before I left and then packed up my car. I loved the heart light dangling over my monogram on my L.L. Bean tote so I took another photo.  Can you tell I’m sleep deprived?  Who takes… [Read More]

Mini Boston Cream Valentine’s Day Cupcakes!

mini boston cupcakes

Three words… Begin with the cutest mini cupcakes wrappers ever by Meri Meri. They are part of the give-away I’m hosting that ends on Friday. Fill them with your favorite vanilla cupcake batter.  My recipe is at the end of this post, hot stuff. While the cupcakes baked I made Julia Child’s recipe for pastry cream.  And just like Julia, I made it thicker and added a little cream after it completely cooled to thin it out.  As Julia said,… [Read More]

Bat Cookies! with Steamed, Rolled Fondant

decorated bat cookies

Our power was off all morning to mid afternoon so I’m a little late in posting to wish you a happy Halloween so “Happy Halloween” at last! Late, late, late last night after we returned home from a wonderful dinner with our lovely friends I began this project- Yep, sometimes I can be a little batty when it comes to making and decorating cookies. When I’ve got an idea I’ve got to see it through. The cookies were for a… [Read More]

A Vineyard Wedding – Part 3

As the wedding dinner in the vineyard was transitioning into evening, Adirondack chairs painted specially to complement the colors of the wedding were set up around the large fire ring. Plum colored pillows added coziness when the sun fell as did a basket full of purple and blush hued pashminas for the ladies. Such a thoughtful touch. One last push on the swing. A perfect dinner. With perfect company. Magic. Enchantment. Good conversation. Music. Dancing. And what kind of a… [Read More]

Happy Birthday to A Best Friend!

When making party favors for my dear friend Suzi’s birthday party hosted by her equally lovely sister, Kathi, last Saturday, I thought of what images I could capture in a cookie that reminded me of her. Specific images came to mind when thinking of her style – simple elegance, sparkle, mirrors, silver balls, purple and white. Suzi, I love having you be a sweet part of my life and the icing on my cake. (I know, corny). Wishing you many,… [Read More]

A Vineyard Wedding ~ Part 2

out of towners wedding favors

The ceremony and garden party. Scott’s 5 o’clock shadow was a bride’s request. Happy wife. Happy life. I love this photo. Lela’s veil floated to embrace Scott’s face at the moment of the kiss to give them just a hint of privacy. Soon it was time for the sunset dinner in the vineyard. Guests were seated at one long elegant table. Our wine charms pointed us towards the tables we were to sit at. Mirrors with our names at our… [Read More]

A Vineyard Wedding in Sedona

vineyard wedding cookie favors

I had the honor of designing and creating decorated cookies for a beautiful vineyard wedding in Sedona this past weekend. My time in the kitchen was made even more special since it was my nephew’s wedding. I love making cookies for people I know (and love). I think of them the entire time from sketch to the tying of the ribbon. How lucky can a baker girl and auntie get? The destination wedding location was unique and lovely and not… [Read More]

Decorated Fall Leaf Cookies! A Tutorial (with rolled fondant)

With the autumn breeze swirling colored leaves to my kitchen back door, I had an idea for decorated leaf cut out sugar cookies using rolled fondant that created a different look than using royal icing to decorate them(to see leaf cookies decorated with royal icing click here). With fondant, I could blend the colors together to make them softer and muted.     The first step was to make individual colors of fondant.   I used Satin Ice rolled fondant… [Read More]

Another Round of Margarita Cookies

decorated margarita cookies

A sweet gal emailed me after seeing my margarita cookies and wondered if I would make them for a party she was giving to honor her mom on her 50th birthday. I thought her thoughtfulness and love for her mom was so sweet that I told her I’d be happy to RSVP with my cookies. The regular and strawberry margarita cookies would be served. I wrote a post on how to decorate margarita cookies but this time I made the… [Read More]

Remembering the 4th of July on the 8th

paper lanterns in the trees

We gathered for a happy, relaxed time together. The lanterns and bunting were hung in place. Party favors for everyone! The vintage mid-century bottle opener was also invited to the party. It was tied onto the drink tub with a festive ribbon. Several croquet games ensued. There were some very impressive wicked wicket shots and who knew croquet could become a contact sport! And of course there were plenty of frozen red, white and blue daiquiris. I thank my lucky… [Read More]