Happy Birthday to A Best Friend!

When making party favors for my dear friend Suzi’s birthday party hosted by her equally lovely sister, Kathi, last Saturday, I thought of what images I could capture in a cookie that reminded me of her.

Specific images came to mind when thinking of her style – simple elegance, sparkle, mirrors, silver balls, purple and white.

Birthday Cake Cookies

Suzi, I love having you be a sweet part of my life and the icing on my cake. (I know, corny).

Wishing you many, many happy years to come shared with all who love you.

Birthday Cake Cookies

And my friend, you will be happy to hear you are spared from the premier of your party video on my blog today only because the program froze on my iPad. I don’t know how you managed to do this but I’m blaming you. Hmmm.


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  1. I am mad that I was not shown these cookies or that my mom has not shared them. Gorgeous and Delicious is difficult to achieve but you always do! I am also sad that the video did not work.


    Rebecca June

  2. Soooo pretty, love the purple against the white~!

  3. Happy Birthday to Suzi…hope she has an extra special day ….cookies are amazing!

  4. Love this! Purple is my favorite color!

  5. I swear, if my daughter ever falls in love with someone who loves her back & gets engaged, I’m so importing you for the reception…

    You are awesome!!!!

  6. Snooty ~ I would be happy to be part of the festivities. 🙂