Ten Days

Today clean sheets will crack in the air and gently float down to land.  For the next ten days I’ll hear the distinctive cadence of each boy coming down the stairs where the destination will undoubtedly be the fridge.  It’ll be full.  I’ll pamper and bring the calorie count up for the time being.  I’m going to bask in familiar youthful sounds I’ve missed that have become the exception around here.  I’ll relish a clean house void of glittery project fallout and look up every time tussled hair passes by.  And wear a bra more often.

I’ll be back in ten days after having the privilege of playing mom.


A Bridal Shower Styling for Shutterfly and so much more

I love the celebrations of weddings and the anticipation of the big day.  I’ve had the delight and honor to be involved with numerous nieces’ and nephews’ wedding preparations from making hundreds of rosettes to hang to baking and decorating hundreds of cookies favors for every guest to enjoy so when Shutterfly asked me to style and photograph a bridal shower theme party using their products of my choice, I couldn’t wait to get started on a bright and fun… [Read More]

Hello! Bridal Shower Styling Sneak Peek!

I hope everyone had a nice Mother’s Day.  I did!  Just a quick check-in today as I’m styling and shooting for a project for Shutterfly that will post on Friday. I’ve had a bit of an injury to my right hand which I believe has been from swiping constantly “to the left, to the left” on my iPad and phone and swirling all around on my track pad on my laptop which I use for everything, even photo editing and… [Read More]

Fresh Citrus Margaritas

Margaritas are my default cocktail and I like that.  They’re the sure bet when going to a new restaurant and not because I’ve had all winners.  Oh, I’ve sent back my share.  But the thing is… I know what they’re supposed to taste like and from there I can judge. Lately though, at home, I’ve been experimenting with more citrus flavors.  A half of an orange, a wedge of lemon and a lime cut up in quarters.  If there’s a… [Read More]