Just Icing On The … Wedding Cookie Favors!

initial wedding cookie favors

Say hello to my little friends… …and to 125 of their closest friends. Ta-da! Fini! … and a HUGE Thank you to my wonderful friend and expert cello bag stuffer, Suzi who single handedly assembled the cookie favors for me over 2 nights with many, many hours devoted to this while I glued together the rosettes. This took us much longer than we had expected even with the ribbon already cut and most of the bags pre-stuffed with paper. I… [Read More]

Weekend Update #3: The Bridal Shower

After the ‘design consultation’ at the villa, the trip to the church for our table setting dress rehearsal and a consult with the florist, this bride still had plenty of smiles left for her party! I gave my niece 3 gifts for her bridal shower. The big package first. A plate of my mom’s. Very 50’s. Very cute. Next was the medium package. I gave her a framed picture of my mom (Grandma Mac) and her that I took 21… [Read More]

Weekend Update #2 – Wedding Table Settings

After the villa, it was on to another Martha project my niece is incorporating into the table decorations. It’s a is a grid of ribbon surrounding the table’s cake. Each table will have it’s own mini wedding cake as I posted about last week. They will sit on a yellow wooden square bordered by the ribbons.Since we had the bride for the morning, I asked my s.i.l. if we could get the same sized table and do a mock up… [Read More]

Weekend Update #1 – Wedding Prep

This weekend was a delight.It really began on Thursday as I pushed through making the rosettes from 6 PM until 4 AM then on Friday afternoon until 2 AM. Saturday morning I was on the road by 7:30 to drive (1 1/2 hr.) to the villa in Sierra Madre (Pasadena area) to meet the bride who had flown in from SF the night before and my bro and sister-in-love. This was also the day for the bridal shower and her… [Read More]

Paper Crop Circles

They just seem to appear overnight from nowhere.I just wish they would clean up after themselves. 😉

Wedding Rosettes

wedding decoration paper rosettes

I had a fairly creative weekend.It began with a trip to the villa where my niece is getting married to look over the site and help my SIL to figure out a few things. It is challenging for the bride to be located in SF and her wedding location being here in SoCal. In the villa is a large ballroom with tall doors that open onto a grass area on one side of the wall and to the piazza courtyard… [Read More]

Summer Weddings: Round 2

It took me two days to recover from the wedding this past week. I slept all the way on the drive home until we hit LA and stopped at Philippe’s for dinner then continued sleeping off and on all day Sunday. One thing I have learned and I have been sharing this advice with family and friends so they know next time ~ friends do not let friends do ‘the lawnmower’ dance under any circumstances. Anyway, with my nephew’s wedding,… [Read More]

Destination: Wedding Report

  My nephew’s wedding was beautiful. It was at the Edna Vineyards on the central coast of California. It was a true destination wedding as everyone had to travel to attend. The bride is a graduate of a university nearby and had always wished to be married there. This was one of many wishes that came true for her this day.We begin the day before for the rehearsal and the arrival of guests. A house was rented for the groomsmen… [Read More]

High Tech Wrappings.

Off to a bridal shower this weekend! Wonder what could be inside….. I do like to give wrappings an unexpected stir! “Stir It Up” – Bob Marley

“What You Won’t Do For Love….”

“Make me do for love what I would not do.” – Bobby CaldwellNephew and fiancee.I am personally so loving this.