The Ouija Board Face Book Edition

I should have known better.
I heard the Ouija Board Face Book Edition was a portal to the past and things unworldly. I heard the stories of people mischievously conjuring up old boyfriends and the like. I just couldn’t leave well enough alone, could I? As the bewitching spell of current technology swept over me one night putting me into a zombie-like trance, I registered my name. That’s when it happened. I opened the electronic portal to my past. Since then I’ve been visited by 3 ghosts.
One friendly, one curious and one evil.The Friendly Ghost ~
A lovely person I was once very good friends with when I was in high school. I went to college and she married too young. Our worlds were, well, worlds apart and as expected we drifted. We once found eachother about 20 years ago but I had kids. She did not. She worked full time. I was a SAHM. We had little in common. She invited me to a reunion of a group we were both involved in then. I couldn’t attend but I wouldn’t have gone. I like remembering these women as teenagers rather than middle aged women.
I just do.

The Curious Ghost ~
Have you ever wondered if you inadvertently broke a heart you were unaware of?
I think I must have.
This ghost asked me to the prom in high school and I said no (very nicely) since I already had a boyfriend who was coming back from college to go with me but I still would have turned him down. He told me he has been asking about me for 15 years. Coincidentally he is now single. Hmmm. Funny, haven’t heard a thing back since I told him I was happily married.
I think he has moved towards the light.

The Evil Ghost ~
The scariest by far.
Being contacted by the ‘mean girl’ of my youth who was truly evil towards me. So vile in fact that I felt I must have paid my dues in pain and suffering so that my future children would surely be spared. And I was right. At first she sent a confirming message and then a friend request that I choose to ignore although I politely responded asking how she was and made small talk. She asked me where I lived. I told her ‘Coto’ and she said she almost bought a house here and still might.

Conversing with self: “Uh, did I say ‘Coto’? I meant ‘Corona’.”
(Where the hell did I put that crucifix?)
Note to self: Call priest first thing in the morning.

She wrote back saying she had 3 daughters and was pulling her hair out because, and I quote her – “I don’t remember being as bad as they are but I guess maybe I was.”

There is a god. Thank you!

Collegiate Cupcakes – CAL

cal cupcakes

“Does this blue and gold make my back field in motion look big?This is a collegiate cupcake post with a fashion dilemma. In a few weeks we’re going to the LA Coliseum for the USC vs. Cal game. And I don’t know what to wear. My fashion dilemma goes much deeper than knowing I don’t look good in gold which is one of the colors for both Cal and USC. In fact, the color is so unflattering to my face… [Read More]

The College Section of The Huffington Post

Before I take off for the college drop off I wanted to share some articles from the‘college’ section of The Huffington Poston studying tips and getting enough sleep that could benefit all students of any age. You’ll find the college tab on the blue header. It’s easy to find. The college section lists college trends, campus news, NCAA sports, articles by psychologists, professors, lecturers, economists and college students. As you can see from the article links below, my area of… [Read More]

The 5 Senses of Autumn

As my college boy packs for his sophomore year it feels like autumn.The metaphor is not lost.Another takes to the wind dancing like a vibrant leaf leaving branches bare. I am ready to invite autumn in. I’ll welcome it with a fragrant invitation though the essence of pumpkins and the soft glow of candle light. I’ll treat myself to an appetizer of autumn crispness in a tart apple dipped in caramel sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. I’ll feel the softness of… [Read More]

Nautical Wedding Part III

Marianne’s photographer was also her friend and completely captured the twinkle in her eye and her playful personality. Her pictures are so beautiful and need no introduction or commentary, mine, on the other hand, need all the help they can get as you’ll be able to see at the bottom of this post. :)Beautiful photos by Brittany Dow Photography Now my photos. Brittany has no worries. These are mostly for family but I thought I’d share… “The bride and groom’s… [Read More]

Nautical Wedding Part II

Another decorative task I was thrilled to be asked to be involved with was to bring in the nautical theme to the cake table. My niece being the resourceful person she is ordered cupcakes from Costco and to be very honest (and my niece knows this so no big revelation after the fact) the thought of cupcakes from Costco for her wedding didn’t exactly float my boat since I am a baking snob but I do own up to it…. [Read More]

NYC Bound And Afraid Of Being The Ugly Californian

We’re going to NYC for the first time for our 28th wedding anniversary next month and I’d love your input of where to go and what to see!! Of course, we’ve got to see the S of L and we must pay homage to Mr. P.M’s Norwegian grandparents who came through at Ellis Island. A carriage ride in the park is on my romantic man’s agenda but is that too embarrassingly bourgeois especially with my foam crown? Other than these… [Read More]

Nautical Wedding Cookies

nautical wedding cooki favors

The big day came and went this weekend for my niece’s wedding and it was a wonderful day.My gift to her was making 160 decorated cookies with her nautical theme utilizing the affectionate term ‘soul mateys’. I modified my original design of stenciling ‘soul mateys’ on the cookie and decided on two cute hearts incorporating the ‘soul mateys’ on a tag instead.For the last two weeks and as far as the eye could see, my horizon has been filled with… [Read More]