My Green Flash List

Tomorrow completes spring break for us.College Boy1 has already left and College Boy2 leaves tomorrow. The day before they leave is the hardest for me. I tend to sulk internally knowing what is coming. This past week everything was as it should have been, selfishly, for me. There were home cooked meals around the kitchen table, dinner at the sushi bar where the owner/chef was happy to see us walk in all together, the ironing board made one of its… [Read More]

My Personal Rainbow

  I wanted to share with you my personal rainbow that I captured in Yellowstone. It appeared a few yards from us after we got stuck walking on the boardwalk during a lightening storm. No digital camera or Photoshop back then just an incredible moment that left me awestruck and feeling very lucky.Hope good luck finds you today!

A Name So Sweet

While I was in the waiting room today there was a mom with her high school son who was waiting for a physical. The mom began to question the receptionist as to the dates of when the last time the son had some shots or whatever. The boy apparently had had enough and said,“Maaawm!” There is something about that long drawn out vowel sound in our names that says, ‘you do not have a brain’ or ‘I am so embarrassed’… [Read More]

The New ‘Test Day’ Nightmare

Remember the dream where you find yourself suddenly in class and there is a test that you didn’t know about and you realize you never studied for it? Now there is a grown up and hip version of that dream and I had it this morning. You may even be in it! I am still reeling:I had just come back to my childhood home from a holiday break. I am ‘me’ now but the house has been turned into a… [Read More]

The Revenge Of The Princess

I came across this graphic and just loved it so I thought I would write a post around it.It reminds me of the line about kissing a few frogs before you find your prince. What is your favorite frog story? Shy? Okay I’ll go first… My first boyfriend in high school kept calling me by his old girlfriend’s name as our names were very similar. This was so painful to me. I was always in constant fear he would go… [Read More]

Beverly Hills 90064?

hollywood cookies

This week we went to a reception of the SoCal Alumni Assoc. of MIT at the Beverly Hills Country Club. Aside from the fact we were going to be able to meet the President of the school, Dr. Susan Hockfield, and wishing to extend our sincere appreciation for all our son has gleaned from drinking out of the firehose during these past four years, I was looking forward to stepping into the BHCC. I expected opulence, nouveau riche a la… [Read More]

Birthday Trees

birthday trees

Do you remember when you were very small you would ask me “When is my birthday?” We could have made marks on the calendar but I wanted to give you something to take with you as you grew into your life. We opened the door to the backyard and stepped outside. I held you as your little arms wrapped around my neck. ‘Look up,’ I said. ‘Those are your birthday trees and they will always tell you when your birthday… [Read More]

Confectionery Contraband

Did someone have an unhappy birthday party as a child? I am feeling the effects of the dragee ban in our environmentally conscientious state as my stash dwindles. We all love and grew up with these festive confections but it’s illegal to sell the pretty little metallic coated sugar balls that I use with abandon on my decorated cookies and cupcakes. It’s also prohibited to ship them into the state so I cannot buy them online! Something about minute traces… [Read More]


In 1976, my sophomore year at USC, I shared an apartment with three girls. Jana was my roommate. Nan, who shared a room with Sherry, had planned on marrying at the end of the school year and had asked Jana to be one of her attendants. She was thrilled and soon they began planning the wedding together. They talked about the usual stuff, dresses, travel plans to northern California, the parties that would ensue. They were both very excited to… [Read More]

Coming Of Age at Sav-On

It was any Saturday in the late 60’s. I would open the top drawer of my dresser and pull out the stack of silver quarters my father had given to me from a recent trip to Vegas. Nancy was coming over and picking me up on the way. She lived at 1115 and I, at 1128. She liked Ringo. I liked Paul. A few years earlier we both had to be transferred to afternoon kindergarten because we couldn’t get up… [Read More]