Float On 2011

For me, as I think it is for most of us, New Year’s Eve is a time to look back as well as forward. Auld Lang Syne and all that.A little melancholy mixed in with the champagne and noisemakers. A cocktail of sweet vermouth and bitters strangely mixed to a balance. 36 years ago tonight I stood on a float for the Rose Parade and waited while the preliminary judging took place which would decide my fate of how my… [Read More]

The Ouija Board Face Book Edition

I should have known better. I heard the Ouija Board Face Book Edition was a portal to the past and things unworldly. I heard the stories of people mischievously conjuring up old boyfriends and the like. I just couldn’t leave well enough alone, could I? As the bewitching spell of current technology swept over me one night putting me into a zombie-like trance, I registered my name. That’s when it happened. I opened the electronic portal to my past. Since… [Read More]

The First Last Days Of Summer

Monday and it’s August 2nd. The countdown has already begun.My heart begins to thump in my chest. Matters of my heart are now pushed to the forefront as the layers that have lovingly surrounded it since June will begin to flake away by the 15th as children start to leave for college again. I always feel such conflict when the ‘back-to-school’ time of year approaches. It started when my boys were in elementary school so this isn’t a new thing… [Read More]

A Good Time Was Had By All…

4th of July Recap ~We had 20 guests and it was a great day. Tiaras for the ladies and balsa wood airplanes for the guys to play with. Croquet, home made ice cream ~ chocolate, Cherry Garcia, strawberry and black raspberry. The yard was filled with dozens of candles, torches and lanterns hanging in the trees. But where are the pictures??? I was so busy flitting around I didn’t think to take any! It is my huge regret that I… [Read More]

My Birthday vs. The Lakers

Today is my birthday.Tonight is the final NBA game with the Lakers playing.Thus lies the dilemma. Before game 6, I was offered my favorite restaurant to dine at tonight ~Studio at the Montage Resort.In Laguna Beach.On top of a cliff.At sunset. But when it was realized “The Game” would be played on Thursday night I could sense the minds of three guys switching gears wondering which sports bar might be the nicest to take mom to. (If they ever want… [Read More]

Sweet Sunday

The attentive and proud grandparents in the booth behind us took their young granddaughter to lunch. She was talking a mile a minute and would bring up the cutest things to talk about, non of which were related, of course. For dessert they ordered a tall fluff of cotton candy. It was blue and sitting at least 18″ high on the plate. Her knees made a slight indentation in the softness of the booth’s cushion as she reached for the… [Read More]

Boston Here We Come

“Boston, here we come”! We’re off for some serious tassel tossin’ and ‘woohoo-ing’! See you all when we get back! 🙂 xoxo

Blue Skies

My Grace Kelly book ‘Pass-Along-Give-Away’ ends tonight. The ending of the book is a real surprise and talks candidly about her isolated life in the palace. Very interesting! The author actually interviewed her but decided to publish their conversations long after her death. You know how some stories stay with you? This is one of them for me.The response has been great for the Cocktail Napkin Swap so if you’d like to join us we’d love to have you! You… [Read More]

The Co-ed Cookie Girl

I had to share my cookie girl. 🙂 Remember my March Cookie of The Month and this post and this post? Kerry sent me back a picture that she took with her cell phone in the mirror of her dorm room. Is she adorable or what? Have a magical Monday!

The Nutritionatrix and The Prius

I’m seeing a nutritionist today. It’s our second date. It seems I’ve stalled my metabolism by not refueling every morning with breakfast and rarely with lunch for years. Throw into the mix that I do not sleep in regular cycles thus taxing my bio rhythm so it is confused. According to her PhDness, it’s going to take me 6 months of eating within an hour after I wake, not skipping lunch until 3 PM like I normally do and daily… [Read More]