Packaging Palooza Party Favors

To continue the Palooza Birthday Party Extravanga prep, my next step was to package the custom Jeanapalooza m&m’s in small cello bags but since I’m also making special decorated cookies for the party I wanted a different look for the m&m’s.  I found these little clear plastic 2 x 3 inch boxes at a cake decorating supply store for .45 each but they are also available on the web, sold in bulk for half the price.  I thought this might… [Read More]

Planning a Palooza

party planning sketch

Last year, as we gathered round our Thanksgiving table, we began making plans for the “Jeanapalooza 90th Birthday Party Extravaganza.”  This year, Thanksgiving at our house again will usher in the three day celebration. My incredible Mother-in-Love deserves a “palooza”.  At ninety she is computer savvy, drives, teaches knitting and meets her friends for wine time. And the party?  Two days after Thanksgiving… our house…for forty. I always begin party planning with decorations in mind because I find it the… [Read More]

Baby Shower Gift For The Dad-To-Be

Baby Shower Gift For The Dad-To-Be

Dads-to-be need to feel special too. All tucked in as snug as a bug in a rug. Uh-oh… Time for binky and bottle. “Burp!”  Ahhh. Just for fun for the wine connoisseur dad-to-be.  This gift for the dad-to-be will accompany baby shower cookie favors tied with the baby blue polka dot ribbon and a  mini cupcake tree, which I’ll post next week.  The tag and pennant were very easy to make. I printed out what I wanted to say and… [Read More]

Combining Holiday Decorations On Your Stairs Saves Time, Energy and Calories

I’ve gotten quite a few search referrals on decorating the stairs for the holidays so I’ve edited a post from last year that gives a great idea to make it easy for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Have you ever thought about how to simplify Christmas decorating when just coming off of the whirlwind of Thanksgiving entertaining? My normal routine after having hosted Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings the day before is to crash the morning after. My breakfast will… [Read More]

Mini Cupcake Spiral Tower (Autumn, Fall)

Mini chocolate cupcakes decorated with over-sized dragees and fall themed fondant cut-outs literally reached new heights in my kitchen for a fall open house party this past weekend. We’ll get ‘up close and personal’ so I can show how you how I made this. It’s not as complicated as it looks. Trust me. They’re just a bunch of little ol’ chocolate cupcakes dressed up all fancy like. The number of cupcakes needed depends on the size styrofoam cone that is… [Read More]

Prepping To Make A Cupcake Tower

I’ve been catching up this week on house and work and stocking up for my next project for an open house in Pasadena this weekend.  I was asked to bring chocolate cupcakes.  If you’ve been reading my blog this summer you know we got quite a bit of mileage out of our OC and LA County Fair wins with the chocolate cake recipe but for this special get together I have an idea in mind for something more spectacular and… [Read More]

A Vineyard Wedding – Part 3

As the wedding dinner in the vineyard was transitioning into evening, Adirondack chairs painted specially to complement the colors of the wedding were set up around the large fire ring. Plum colored pillows added coziness when the sun fell as did a basket full of purple and blush hued pashminas for the ladies. Such a thoughtful touch. One last push on the swing. A perfect dinner. With perfect company. Magic. Enchantment. Good conversation. Music. Dancing. And what kind of a… [Read More]

A Vineyard Wedding ~ Part 2

out of towners wedding favors

The ceremony and garden party. Scott’s 5 o’clock shadow was a bride’s request. Happy wife. Happy life. I love this photo. Lela’s veil floated to embrace Scott’s face at the moment of the kiss to give them just a hint of privacy. Soon it was time for the sunset dinner in the vineyard. Guests were seated at one long elegant table. Our wine charms pointed us towards the tables we were to sit at. Mirrors with our names at our… [Read More]

A Vineyard Wedding in Sedona

vineyard wedding cookie favors

I had the honor of designing and creating decorated cookies for a beautiful vineyard wedding in Sedona this past weekend. My time in the kitchen was made even more special since it was my nephew’s wedding. I love making cookies for people I know (and love). I think of them the entire time from sketch to the tying of the ribbon. How lucky can a baker girl and auntie get? The destination wedding location was unique and lovely and not… [Read More]

Remembering the 4th of July on the 8th

paper lanterns in the trees

We gathered for a happy, relaxed time together. The lanterns and bunting were hung in place. Party favors for everyone! The vintage mid-century bottle opener was also invited to the party. It was tied onto the drink tub with a festive ribbon. Several croquet games ensued. There were some very impressive wicked wicket shots and who knew croquet could become a contact sport! And of course there were plenty of frozen red, white and blue daiquiris. I thank my lucky… [Read More]