“Knock. Knock.”

“Who’s there?”

“Valentine’s Week and do come in!!”

I am in full Martha-mode today, making Tyler Florence’s Roasted Tomato Soup, and finishing up some special Valentine Fortune Cookies for special friends but before another storm front rolls in I went out outside today to show you welcoming love into my home starts at the front door.

The door decorations were very easy to make out of 2 styrofoam heart shapes, a bunch of silk flowers, ribbon, heart picks and a glue gun! That’s it!

One of our many flower beds ~ A dancing frog among the blooming ranunculus, Iceland poppies and flowering white kale with Valentine messages tucked in.

My boys always thought this banner looked like a piece of pepperoni pizza so of course the name stuck!

Have a lovely week.
I’m looking forward to sharing it with you!

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  1. What a festive and beautiful front door and flower garden. You really know how to spread the love, even flying a banner.

  2. Oh girl, you are in full Martha mode! And it looks great too! First of all I love your front door, then add the hearts, it’s even better. Your flowers are so pretty and colorful. I would love to see some flowers around here. We are meant to get another big storm tomorrow. Suppose to last 24 hours and bring another 24″ or more of snow. I just can’t believe it.
    The soup sounds amazing, I will try this one for sure.
    Everything looks great, even your perfect fortune cookies! Did you see the drink I posted?? Right up your alley!

  3. Pretty flowers & decorations!! Can you come “Martha” mode my house?

  4. Soooooooooo pretty! Your neighbors are darn lucky to have you, Cupid.

  5. Front door decor – darling!! How nice to be able to show off flower beds! Mine are horrendous 😉 xoxo

  6. You are Cute. As. Pie. xoxo

  7. RNSane ~ Thank you. It’s true. I am a hopeless romantic.. 🙂

    Ronda ~ I LOVE the drink you posted. I must find one compatible in flavors so we can up the partay! 🙂 I can’t believe how wintry it is for you. My guy in Boston did not get anything over the weekend. Lucky you!

    Katie ~ Thank Delta Darlin’. Glue gun will travel. 🙂

    Posh ~ I actually introduced my neighbors a couple years back after a dream I had so I guess you really could call me Cupid! 🙂

    P101 ~ While Jethro works on his boat, I garden. You know how that is. 🙂

    T&C ~ I have always liked that saying. Thank you. 🙂

  8. Wow I love your red door….gorgeous!
    And you have flowers….so lucky to live in sunny CA! Hope you have a wonderful week of valentine love!