I have the best memories of summers at the drive-in theater in San Gabriel on Valley Blvd. My cousins and I would lay in the back of our station wagon munching on popcorn in brown paper bags brought from home while washing it down with 7-Up from the slender necked green bottles. James Bond with all his suave and sexy moves loomed larger than life on the screen. I fell hard and fast for Sean Connery and knew that’s how I wanted to be kissed someday especially by Paul McCartney. And the sooner the better.

Even our little community has Friday Night at The Movies and the OC Performing Arts Center offers something similar.
But I need something unique. Completely ‘un-OC‘.
I’ve decided to turn up my nose at my local fare and ‘go Hollywood’ but only for a short visit.
How about a Saturday night movie at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery?
Dare I say this is on my… bucket list?
Picnics and alcohol permitted. Blankets and pillows welcome. DJ spinning before and after. Minimal donation of $10. No reservations needed above ground.
I think some of the permanent residents which include Cecil B. DeMille, Jayne Mansfield, Douglas Fairbanks and Tyrone Power would approve.