Chocolate – Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Cookies

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Twenty-two years ago I bought a delightful cookie book written by Debbi Fields.  Yes, the cookie maven, Mrs. Fields.  It was the third cookbook I owned in which turned out to be a vast collection. One recipe alluded me back then – Jessica’s Marshmallow Clouds.  When I had made the cookies, the marshmallows melted into the cookies and disappeared.  I wasn’t the adventurous baker then as I am now (ahem) so I turned the page and went on to other fabulous recipes but this one haunted me.  With the combination of chocolate and marshmallows I knew it had the potential to be great.

At an event I was invited to attend recently, I had the opportunity to meet Debbi (and gush my admiration) where I asked her about the recipe and how to make it correctly.  Debbi informed me the recipe in the book was misprinted with an omission but she would email me the correct recipe.  And she did!  Thank you, Debbi! The trick was in having the marshmallows frozen before baking.  But what I really want to know is how to look as timeless and beautiful twenty-two years later as Debbi does now.  I hope she emails me with that little recipe too.  🙂

I made a few revisions of my own to the original recipe.  I added salt, used regular chocolate chips instead of minis, used more marshmallows per cookie and prepared them a bit differently.

Here’s my recipe inspired by Debbi’s:

Chocolate Chocolate CHip Marshmallow Cookies Recipe

Dry ingredients.Chocolate Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Cookies 39

Granulated and light brown sugar.Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Cookies 455

Chocolate chips.Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Cookie 86

Flatten the dough ball and nest in the frozen marshmallows.  Work quickly to keep the dough and marshmallows cold.  Bring the dough up over the marshmallows and cover them completely and pop them into the oven for 10 minutes.Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Cookies 89


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