Ready! iPad! Action!

I had some fun this weekend at my niece’s birthday party. I took my iPad along and took a video with a new app I downloaded called 8mm HD. There are different styles to film in so I used the 60’s and added a little film jitter, as it’s called, on the app. It’s where the film frame flicks up or down. The room was a little dark but it was fun to just experiment.

Then to make the movie, I downloaded the Real Director app. I did the very basics and added a song from my iTunes library. The file was too big to email so I had to upload it to You Tube. Another first.

I don’t own a smart phone and I’m a PC gal so doing this was completely out of my element but it was a lot of fun and I had a captive audience. 🙂

Happy birthday, Heather!

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  1. So cool….I love the 60’s look! Oh my that cake looked so heavy…did you make that?

    You are getting so techi….love it!

    Have a great day!

  2. I wouldnt have a clue how to do this!

    I replied to your email last week – maybe check your spam folder for it?


  3. Good Job!! Great video! XOXO

  4. The cake was a tower of yummy made by my SIL’s sister Carole. She is an incredible cake decorator. 🙂