Espresso Martinis, Nachos and Tiaras!

Besides being a great potential blog name these goodies will be on the menu tonight as I venture over to a royal wedding party with the girls at 1 AM!

Coverage begins just after midnight Pacific time and we’re donning tiaras while pulling an all-nighter. The best in-house party favor is bringing out the collection of tiaras. Yes, tiaras! Even a replica of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation crown will be there which is a family heirloom of my friend’s mother. Isn’t that incredibly fabulous? I can’t wait to see it!

Party attire is PJ’s with our chosen tiaras as we sip our way to dawn!

I watched Charles’ and Diana’s wedding live 30 years ago so the tradition must continue!

Also, if you haven’t seen this T-Mobile advertisement of the royal wedding, do so, it’s jolly good fun. Enjoy!

How will you be watching the big event?

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  1. You had me at espresso martini! šŸ˜‰

  2. Love the video….can you imagine if they did something like that! I will watch some I think there is no avoiding it. I was glue to TV for Diana and Charles. Have a wonderful time.

  3. I love this!!!!!! This is a riot! Can you imagine!! What a great way to start my day….thanks for the royal chuckle..sending it to my parents now!!!!

  4. That is hilarious! I think it would be easier to watch on the West Coast because I have no problems staying up late, but I do have a problem with getting up early! Enjoy!

    I was between my freshman and sophomore year of college when Charles and Diana were married, but I must be in the minority in that I was not a huge Diana fan.

  5. On my DVR tomorrow morning:). I am not a late night person…I imagine you will have a really fun time. A hoot, even.

  6. Sounds like you are in for some Royal treats!!! can’t wait to read about your girls night!! I’m wishing I had planned something wonderful … but I’ll be watching with Dolce and Mr.G will no doubt take a seat with us from time to time… xo HHL

  7. Each time I see this video it still makes me laugh! Will be at a friend’s house putting on my tiara at 4am.
    xo Cathy

  8. So fun! I love that y’all are celebrating.

  9. I watched Charles and Diana too – I want to come to your party – Florida is just too far away šŸ™ Have fun – I will be watching from the Sunshine State. Enjoy

  10. Your viewing party sounds like such fun!!!!
    Loved this clip!!

  11. Wickedly wonderful I say!
    Have a jolly good time my dear…

  12. You royals are just too much fun.

  13. This is from the hostess of the party tonight. She said she has tried to post her comment 3 times so now I am to do it for her ~

    “It is actually a replica of the Queen’s wedding tiara. You are forgiven for not knowing the on the entire collection. However you should have mentioned that your Beauty Queen tiara resides within the collection. We shall revisit your crowning while we watch another Princess in the making tonight!”

  14. Tonight is the night that I once again wish I was a California girl! I might be up at 4 am to watch, but as a back-up, I’m dvring it. I would love to hear your commentary–a royal point of view is always welcome!

  15. I am happy to share my tiara collection with everyone tonight. Whats the point of having a tiara collection if you never wear them?

    See you soon!


    Rebecca June

  16. I’ve been watching since early this morning! Such a beautiful wedding… just like a fairy tale šŸ™‚

  17. Been up since 3 am, loved every minute of it.

  18. giggle šŸ™‚

  19. Hope you had fun! Sounds like a fun party! I woke up at 5:45 eastern time just in time to see Kate leaving her hotel for the church. I watched it all and even shed a tear thinking about what Diana was missing. I was 11 when I watched her wedding!

  20. I wish I could hav been with your gang…I watch the whole thing alone – it was so beautiful. Kate was so much more radiantly happy than Diana! I watched that wedding as well and followed Grace Kelly’s – she was my all time favorite actress and I thought her wedding and fairy tale were incredible. i did think their dresses had similarities. She made a wonderful princess.