Not “The Big One” but …

…big enough!I am sitting here on my (black and white) laptop because I drank Mr. Pipp at 8 PM and I haven’t gone to bed yet. It is now 4:10 AM and we just had an earthquake. It was the kind I hate – a hard fast jolt that makes the house sound as if it could come down at any moment. No swaying of chandliers or roller coaster rides just sudden and harsh, the kind that tends to really bother me. Mr. P.M. went back to bed. Not me. Not yet.

4.3 – east of us. 14.8 miles deep.
I have no idea what the significance of the depth means but I do read the USGS site and look at the boxes.
Odd how there was a same sized quake recently in about the same area that we didn’t feel. It was only 10 miles deep though so I am guessing depth makes a big difference.

Want to see California in all her glory?
click here.

Thanks to you Ronda, I did go out and buy water yesterday. šŸ™‚
Better safe than thirsty.

Hang on tight.

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  1. I’m glad you’re okay> I am sure that is so unnerving. Did you sleep well.

  2. Uh oh…dont freak yourself out!
    We have had earthquakes here too and it is so jarring!
    This is a good chance to make sure you are totally prepared!

  3. I don’t know which is worse being up at 4am or earthquake…..they both are scary!Glad it wasn’t the big one! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I know what you mean. I’ve been in CA for 33 years now but one never adjusts to the terra firma moving under your feet.

  5. That would be so frightening. Glad everything is OK.

  6. I would be right there with you. xoxo

  7. I grew up in SoCal and never experienced any loss (however minute) due to an earthquake and the most tragic loss I personally heard of was a Herend figurine fall to it’s demise on the floor.

    As a child I would panic about “the big one” and worry that I would not be able to get to my mom and dad. šŸ™ Nightmares even.

    Be safe and head for a doorway if things do start to move.

    xoxo Caroline

  8. Glad you’re okay! Ive never felt an earthquake… I imagine Id be terrified

  9. Came by your site by way of SITS – and loved your name! There are days when nothing will do but a pink martini and pearls! Thanks for a smile – hope all is well after your earthquake scare.

  10. We just got back from Maryland, and I read your post. OMG! We were just talking about this. I would have @#%$ my pants! Glad you got your goods, just for mind sake. Try not to let this get to you. I know, it is easier said than done.

  11. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE EARTHQUAKES. im moving out of state.