Our Honeymoon in New England.

Three weeks of total abandoned bliss.
Leaf peepers extraordinaire.
Covered bridge hunters.
Newlyweds. Need I say more?
The Arlington Inn ~ Vermont
We have very few pics of us taken together since we were mostly out driving around seeing the sites and not many people could focus my real deal camera.
I had a cold here. Hence the red nose.

You say ‘antihistamines with an alcohol chaser’ like it’s a bad thing.

I used my wiley womanly ways to force him to carve a pumpkin with me.
They say when you carve something it takes on a part of your soul.
He is holding his.
Look at mine. Hmmm.
“Run Mr. P. M.! Ruuuun!”
Too late. 🙂

Swift River – New Hampshire
Mr. P. M. likes this picture. I have no idea what I was saying but it was probably hurry up and take the picture. It was so cold that we had to take the batteries out of the camera and warm them up and quickly put them back in to take the shots.
Boy, does it get ‘wicked’ cold in the Northeast!

I came across this sweater (L.L. Bean) last week while rooting around in my cedar chest.
It has my newly married monogram on it in bright green.
I held it up.
It is the size of a postage stamp.
For postcards.

As we were eating dinner we saw a table where all the men were dressed as women. This concept was new to us. We thought we’d change the venue for a nightcap. The laughing waiter said, “You probably want a straight bar. There might be one.” We also heard comments of amazement as “You came to P’ Town for your honeymoon???” We were definitely outsiders.
It was time to leave anyway.
We broke the bed (it was old).

Newly married and he already found the ‘husband chair’ while I shopped.
I chose wisely.

Sons, this was your mother’s natural hair color before you were born and she began to worry about every little thing about you.

Booneville, NY
Perfectly preppy in every way, every day.

“Stop the car! I see more colored leaves!”
We did this a lot.

1811 House ~ Manchester, Vermont
A “jolly good English breakfast” we were told. I passed.
Kidneys and potatoes for breakfast, food poisoning for lunch.
In sickness and in health was never so quickly tested.
Poor Mr. P. M.
Pastoral Perfection.

Also perfection.

Until this…

And Mr. P. M. is getting pretty comfy finding the benches outside.
Thing is, I waited for him to turn around forever to get this shot.
Why? Because I wanted to see how long it took him to avert his gaze from the white pants that sashayed by. Hard to see the expression on his face but it was like –
“You are soooo busted fella!” 😉

Yeah, honey. If you know what’s good for you keep carving that pumpkin and love it.

There’s plenty more where that one came from!
Keep scooping!
I LOVE (Upstate) NY!
Nantucket. Cold hands. Warm hearts.
Did I mention it was cold?
We rode mopeds over to S’conset.
This is the coldest I had ever been in my life, even to this date.

Salem, MA
“No. You can not bring this home, Mr. P. M.!”
Someone told us you can tell the Californians ~ they are the ones picking up the leaves.
True here!

Rockport, MA
Newburyport, MA
Discovering Keoke Coffee.

Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Portland Head Lighthouse

Lake Placid, NY

Franconia Notch, New Hampshire

My gift to Mr. P. M. was having all our photos re-made from the 35mm film. We also kept a very detailed journal on our trip with daily entries. What I am going to do now is put all the new photos in an album with black pages to show off the fall colors and write the journal entries verbatim that we wrote on our honeymoon to accompany the photos. It should be quite a coffee table book. Our boys have never seen the pictures and I know it will be a big hit come the holidays when everyone is over.

We’d both like to retrace our trip and see how things have changed… besides us!

“Say Hey (I love you)” – Michael Franti & Spearhead
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  1. This is a fabulous post. A lovely couple! A wonderful honeymoon in a lovely place! If I donn’t say so,myself,haha!
    Fabulous pictures!
    Salem is so fun this time of year!
    I love Cape Elizabeth and haven’t been there in a long time!

  2. Great photos of a fun and fabulous honeymoon, and a wonderful idea for an anniversary gift, Thx for sharing!

    We’re headed to the northeast at the end of the month for my niece’s wedding, and again in June for her sisters wedding. I do worry about being cold up there in October, I better break out my coat!

  3. Lady Kate says:

    So funny, but so true about So. Cal’s picking up colorful leaves! I’m so bad I pick them up and mail them to people! Loved the pictures!

  4. I am amazed at how many wonderful photos you have. What a wonderful coffee table book you will have for sure. The two of you look like something right out of a movie filmed on an Ivy League campus:-)
    And your pumpkin…clearly you had decorating “skills” from day 1.

  5. beautiful photos! And what great memories. I was married in Bennington, VT 8 years ago, and the scenery has not changed much. Thanks for the trip & happy anniversary!

  6. Great pictures…you were quite the prepster back than! I love the picture of you hubby looking at the girl in white pants! I’m sure he was just thinking ..hello nobody wears white after labor day! Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. this is so cute!! I love it!

  8. You two little love birds! What beautiful fun pictures! 3 weeks in my favorite places! Makes me miss home!

  9. I really enjoyed looking at these, lovely photos….and some of your comments really made me laugh!!

    Great memories, thanks for sharing 🙂

  10. I cannot tell you how much I love the knee socks.


    Rebecca June

  11. I didn’t have a honeymoon so I loved seeing your photos. And you obv. had to scan every one of these – they are great! My hubby tells me every day with him is like a honeymoon {insert HUGE laugh}. Never knew laundry and cooking could be so romantic.

  12. So wonderful, thanks for sharing. My husband and I spent a lot of time in manchester Vermont before we were married and after, especially during the fall. love the Arlington Inn and 1811 house. Lots of good memories.
    In fact, we joke our oldest son should probably be named “Manchester” if you catch my drift…

  13. I have been married 30 yrs and so remember the outfits with the bows and knee socks. love it! Congrats

  14. What great photos! I think we took like 3 pictures on our honeymoon…

    And, I swear that I had that same outfit (and knee socks) at the exact same time. The silk bow at the neck too, LOL!

  15. These pics are darling! Y’all are too cute. And your wardrobe – trés preptastic!! xoxo

  16. What a lovely couple you are. Thanks for showing your beautiful honeymoon photos, Very touching.

  17. How fun! I recall wearing many an outfit like those… the printed turtle necks… shetlands with puffy sleeves and buttons on he shoulders… dresses a la Laura Ashley, kilts and knee socks … thanks for sharing this journey!

  18. Oh, I just love all your photos! We must have had all the same clothes in our closets back then! You are too cute and so is your husband. This is a darling post.

  19. Thanks for sharing the pics. Mr. P.M.’s hair is still the same color and I know yours is as well. I can’t wait to see the book. So creative…

  20. Anonymous says:

    Amazing pics… lovely to see where it all began, my dear friend 🙂 m2

  21. Loving all the pictures and hilarious commentary!!
