The pay off I’ve been waiting for all season!
Don Drapper in tears and coming clean to Bets.
Roger remaining faithful to his wife.
Joan hitting her husband over the head with the vase and the hope of him shipping off to Vietnam.
Where Is Love from Oliver!
(which is playing on my sidebar today)
“And who are you supposed to be?”

Don Drapper in tears and coming clean to Bets.
Roger remaining faithful to his wife.
Joan hitting her husband over the head with the vase and the hope of him shipping off to Vietnam.
Where Is Love from Oliver!
(which is playing on my sidebar today)
“And who are you supposed to be?”
It’s almost too much to ask for in one night!
I’m worried Pam Ewing is going to wake up.
“Where Is Love” ~ Oliver!
It’s an awesome show! The writers are finally giving us what we want!
Best show of the season!
Tried watching it on DVR last night at midnight. Made it as far as the vase incident then fell asleep. Thank goodness I can tune back in. And thank goodness Mad Men has finally picked up some steam. I was not impressed with this season until last night.
It was nothing short of fabulous. Jon Hamm is really a great actor, too. How just the slight intonation in his voice says so much. And how the writer does the slightest things that communicate so much info. i.e. Betts giving Don the rest of her sandwich at the end. Is that the message that “we’re okay”?? Love the reality of the show, too. I always dressed up as a gypsy at Halloween. And I would’ve been just a few years older than Sally in 1963. I can vouch for the authenticity of this show on many levels! xoxoxo