Baby Boomers Unite!

If you can read the bottom line of this award without your ‘cheaters’ then it could mean you are not at this majestic demographic yet! Yes, you are fabulous, but “fab AND fifty”?
Maybe in a few more years, dearies. πŸ˜‰

Thank you to SJN who has bestowed this honor upon me and let me tell you about her…not only does she have one fab blog, but TWO! See what can be accomplished at ‘our age’ ladies? We are just hitting our stride so watch out! Talk about multi-tasking! SJN blogs are all about wedding planning Bridal Buzz – wedeventdesign and golfing Tales of a Golf Gal.

This award is a lovely reminder that life is sweet as ever on the back 9 and we can still make it under par with the putters of our choice!

SJN, consider me part of your
“Fearless -Fabulous- Fifty-Foursome” anytime!

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  1. Congrats on your award!! I’ll join the club in July, when I’m fifty! πŸ™‚

  2. I’ll admit it, I’m in that group also!

  3. Oh that is funny that you call them ‘cheaters’….my bff calls them that and it was the first time I had heard it!

  4. She gave it to me, too, and I love it!!

  5. Isn’t fifty a special club, ladies? πŸ™‚ Ronda, alas, at this date you can only be a junior member but you know what’s coming for your birthday in July, don’t you? Full membership, honey! πŸ™‚

    Tickled – My friend calls them that too. I call them my life line to read anything smaller than 18 pt. font. It’s my main complaint. Thought it ‘could never happen to moi’. Cruel. Just cruel. πŸ™‚