Happy, happy! Joy, joy!

When I was in college in the Mesozoic 80’s Era, not one day would pass when my Pappagallo Bermuda Bag wasn’t tucked in the wicker basket of my blue Schwinn bike. I had many covers but the monogrammed navy with kelly green piping, hot pink and white eyelet were my favorites. When I began working in the corporate world my Dior bag would accompany my Hartmann satchel. I still remember the long fond look I gave the worn wood handled skeleton with torn lining before putting it in the bag to give to the Good Will. It still pains me. The price to enter my Cybill Shepperd-Moonlighting phase was indeed high. Guess what I found tonight? I feel shiny and new…like a virgin.
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  1. You should scan and post some pics of you on that bike! 🙂