My Ghost On The Capitol Steps Photo

While my family and I were visiting DC one summer, I asked someone to take our photo on the Capitol steps.  A couple years earlier I had captured a ghost of a man with a goatee in one of our pics while visiting Bodie, an old mining town.  Thinking I would have the same luck if I asked a dearly departed to be in our Capitol photo and knowing there are lost of ghosts and energy in D.C. that would probably love being in the limelight again, I invited one to show itself in the photo.

Here is the general photo.  Can you see a grimacing face at the top of the building underneath the rotunda?  He is not seen on the negative and I’ve had professionals photographers look at it and can’t explain it.


Here’s a close up.


So, what do you think?  Anyone you know?  If you think it resembles anyone, I would love to hear from you.

Have a happy and spooky (and safe) Halloween!

Partisan Cookie Decorator

Yep.  It’s true.  What can I say?  I confess. Turns out I’m a partisan cookie decorator but hadn’t realized it until recently. For the record, no one asked me to make Democratic donkeys, but it got me thinking… if asked, would I? No.  Even though my personal pachyderm cookie would feel comfortable sporting a couple of long ears on one or two issues it would still lean to the right. However you might choose to decorate your cookie, decorate it… [Read More]