Wedding Decorations Dress Rehearsal…

Weekend Update #1 – Wedding Prep

This weekend was a delight.It really began on Thursday as I pushed through making the rosettes from 6 PM until 4 AM then on Friday afternoon until 2 AM. Saturday morning I was on the road by 7:30 to drive (1 1/2 hr.) to the villa in Sierra Madre (Pasadena area) to meet the bride who had flown in from SF the night before and my bro and sister-in-love. This was also the day for the bridal shower and her… [Read More]
Paper Crop Circles
Wedding Rosettes

I had a fairly creative weekend.It began with a trip to the villa where my niece is getting married to look over the site and help my SIL to figure out a few things. It is challenging for the bride to be located in SF and her wedding location being here in SoCal. In the villa is a large ballroom with tall doors that open onto a grass area on one side of the wall and to the piazza courtyard… [Read More]