It is such a thrill for one of my babies to be featured.
Thank you Martha, & staff, for this honor!
My Tickled Pink and Green With Envy Thursday

Green with envy ~My bestie is meeting the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge tomorrow in LA. Although she has met the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh it doesn’t compare to the excitement she’s feeling to meet the newlyweds. She was given her “instructions” as to how to greet William and Kate ~ “…when you first meet the Duke and Duchess you should refer to each as “your royal highness” or if they are both together “your royal highnesses.” If… [Read More]
My Royal Wedding Souvenir

Last week I ventured into the Tod’s store to look at a bag I saw Kate Middleton pictured with. What was particularly interesting about it was that it’s called the D-style bag named after Diana but the updated version. Here’s a quick article on the connection of both bags. I particularly liked the soft grey and the leather was like buttah but at $1665, uh, I rather have a new camera. Then, who was seen, but the latest Middleton sibling… [Read More]
Refrigerator Envy Ina Garten Style

Last fall I was seduced by Ina Garten’s refrigerator. It had been coming on for a long time. Everytime she opened the door of her side-by-side it was a tease. After midnight one autumnal night leading up to Thanksgiving I weakened and succumbed to what I had been envying for so long … organizational nirvana . There they were – statuesque opaque quart sized containers, all matching, lids locked in place, stackable, reusable. It doesn’t get much better than this,… [Read More]
“It’s A Fact, The Lady’s Stacked…”
Organizing Marc Jacobs

Marc Jacobs – Leola Not to outdo Santa but I wanted my own big bag this Christmas.Black.With zippers. I knew if I had put it on my list by the time Santa’s elves hit the mall it would have been gone. As it was Nordstrom put out an A.P.B. for me and found it at the mothership in Seattle ridiculously on sale. As a result I can guarantee the sales associate will be on Santa’s ‘good girls’ list. When I… [Read More]
Terrific Tote

I waded through all my Cyber Monday emails today and found a new source for a tote bag in my favorite 2-color combination ~ Hot pink and a bright buttery yellow. I liked these too. Sometimes, all one needs is something pretty to look at. It was like a breath of fresh air amid ads of every possible electronic gift imaginable. Thanks Ame & Lulu.I needed that.
Henri Bendel et al

Shopping in NYC? But of course!I had three stores on my list: Henri Bendel. I had no idea such an exquisite jewel box of a place awaited me!I was only able to visit the first floor for less than 20 minutes but I coveted practically all I could see and my eye went to this set of three bangles. I love subtly.Can you see what makes it so special?The brown Bendel stripe in the middle of the crystal.What a lovely… [Read More]
Nautical Totes

This comes from The Daily Basics where they featured nautical products made from sails. Here are two of my favorites ~ I am lovin’ the compass rose. The “Mad Men Cookie Quiz and Give-Away” should be posted tomorrow or definitely by Friday. I am shooting for tomorrow.(These cookies are taking me longer to decorate because I’m doing all the designs for the first time and I’m creating as I go along.) 🙂 Have a great day! 🙂
The Evil Eye Cuff

I’ve decided to forgive Tory Burch for my wedge fiasco because of this ~ Tory Burch Evil Eye Cuff I have a friend who strongly believes in the protection of the evil eye.She wears them daily and has had 2 charms that have spontaneously burst. She is convinced when they block the negative energy this is what happens to them then it’s time to get a replacement but I have to say, no one could ever send bad energy her… [Read More]