She was the first person I noticed who used her sunglasses propped on the top of her head like a head band. She was so hip and with it.Being the conservative I am, even back then, I waited too long to hop on the trend. By the time I figured out the teased ‘bump’ adorned with my satin blue ribbon, the new season began in TV land and Ann Marie returned in the fall sporting a modern middle part. Think Gloria Steinem. The bump was no more and was destined to be only a memory seen in reruns.
sniff sniff
There is a relatively new product called the “Bumpit”.
(if you click on the link, be forewarned of the initial ‘scream’ on the site). It has sold out recently on HSN.com (I have added the hyperlink to costumer comments.) You can find You Tube missies spending Saturday night at home in front of the camera demonstrating the wonders of this device. Notice they all have thick, long hair or extensions.
Has anyone tried it?
Maybe this time it won’t be too late for me to be hip and groovy.