We have very few pics of us taken together since we were mostly out driving around seeing the sites and not many people could focus my real deal camera.
I had a cold here. Hence the red nose.
You say ‘antihistamines with an alcohol chaser’ like it’s a bad thing.

They say when you carve something it takes on a part of your soul.
He is holding his.
Look at mine. Hmmm.
“Run Mr. P. M.! Ruuuun!”
Too late. 🙂
Swift River – New Hampshire
Mr. P. M. likes this picture. I have no idea what I was saying but it was probably hurry up and take the picture. It was so cold that we had to take the batteries out of the camera and warm them up and quickly put them back in to take the shots.
Boy, does it get ‘wicked’ cold in the Northeast!
I came across this sweater (L.L. Bean) last week while rooting around in my cedar chest.
It has my newly married monogram on it in bright green.
I held it up.
It is the size of a postage stamp.
For postcards.
It was time to leave anyway.
We broke the bed (it was old).

Poor Mr. P. M.

Until this…
And Mr. P. M. is getting pretty comfy finding the benches outside.
Thing is, I waited for him to turn around forever to get this shot.
Why? Because I wanted to see how long it took him to avert his gaze from the white pants that sashayed by. Hard to see the expression on his face but it was like –
“You are soooo busted fella!” 😉

Did I mention it was cold?
We rode mopeds over to S’conset.
This is the coldest I had ever been in my life, even to this date.
True here!

My gift to Mr. P. M. was having all our photos re-made from the 35mm film. We also kept a very detailed journal on our trip with daily entries. What I am going to do now is put all the new photos in an album with black pages to show off the fall colors and write the journal entries verbatim that we wrote on our honeymoon to accompany the photos. It should be quite a coffee table book. Our boys have never seen the pictures and I know it will be a big hit come the holidays when everyone is over.
We’d both like to retrace our trip and see how things have changed… besides us!