It is such a thrill for one of my babies to be featured.
Thank you Martha, & staff, for this honor!
Oct 26, 2011
I Heart Martha!
I know you’ve seen this picture before from a recent post on decorated fall leaf cookies but today it is featured on Martha Stewart’s Dreamers Into Doers!
Filed Under: Miscellany Tagged With: cookies, Decorative Cookies, dreamers into doers, gratitude, martha stewart, Things I Love
Jan 14, 2011
Me and Martha!

Yesterday I got an email from Martha Stewart. Well, sort of. My banana cookies photo was chosen to be a featured photo on Dreamers Into Doers on I don’t know how it was chosen, could be random for all I know, but it was fun yesterday telling my family members Martha and I were BFFs!! HA! Seeing my photo on Martha’s site…“It’s a good thing”. Have a good weekend, friends.Next week I promise something besides banana cookies!
Filed Under: Miscellany Tagged With: cookies, Decorated Cookies, dreamers into doers, martha stewart, Wow