Wordless Wednesday.

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  1. Seriously? Where is ASPCA šŸ˜‰ xoxo

  2. That pour, unfortunate dog… The puffs around it’s feet look like snow cones.

  3. How terrible! Poor thing!
    What are the owners thinking?

  4. I loved it! Made me laugh. Mini#2 and I went to see Hotel for Dogs yesterday at the summer children’s movies. They needed this dog in the film!

  5. Maybe a doggie hair dressers show? You should see what they do to people for a hair show, my niece was red, white and blue (blue hair).

  6. This pic was from China. Garish color choices aside, I think the cruelty may be the amount of time it takes to make a canine topiary.

  7. Holy Poodle!

  8. Definitely wordless! šŸ™‚

  9. Oh, that is just WRONG! Haha!

  10. Hahaha! I love it! That poor dog does not look happy… I’m sure she (he?)’d much rather be playing in the mud!

  11. ohhh mmyyy gooodness.

  12. OH MY GOSH!!! That poor dog!