College acceptance letters will be mailed out beginning this week and the pressure is on. It’s not like they can do anything about it at this point. Application deadlines were met during the December holidays or as I called them around our house, “hostage days” since we couldn’t spare any time away from the computer as deadlines approached. Novellas and resumes had to be constantly worked on and honed. The recap on this process itself could fill its own blog and empty a bottle of scotch.
The kids are nervous. Friend so-‘n-so found out today. Another friend the next day. “Why haven’t I heard anything yet”? “Why is there an interview for an alumni scholarship when the letter hasn’t come yet”? “What does this mean”? “What does this mean?”
And this is just me asking.
The urban legend is true about the fat letter vs. the thin letter and when I grabbed the mail today, there was neither. Still nothing. I would have to deliver the news when son2 arrived home but at this point there is hope because perhaps, no news is good news. Now a days, many colleges list acceptance results on line with a disclaimer to do so in privacy. I know exactly what this means and it’s brutal. When 38,000 apply for 2800 spaces, it’s best to be alone when opening that webpage. So we wait. I watch the clock and listen for the familiar sound of the mail man’s jeep turning the corner. I walk to the mail box with my heart in my throat. “Please let there be a fat letter…….”!
Oh yes… the mailman even knew – as we stalked him every day. And let’s not forget the”question”, as in-
“Where are you going to school?”
And the kid having to say, “I don’t know yet”
Which is then met with, “Really? Such and such knows and they got into blah, blah, blah!”
WE have three more years before we go thru it again.. and I can wait.
Sounds like you and son2 have done all you can. I remember those days, the waiting and the rejection, but also the acceptances, and then the decision.
Let fate, faith and a higher power guide. What you can’t control, give it over to God, it will all turn out for the best.
Aw so stressful! My younger sister just finished up this process. She’s headed off to Roanoke this summer! Yay for being all done with it, and good luck to your sons!
Oh I so know what you are talking about. I have experienced it from both sides – the parent whose children were applying for every single scholarship, etc. – and the teacher who wrote countless letters of recommendation for students – and working on letters until the wee hours of the morning so the letter would be perfect! And after I saw a special on the app process and several university admission’s people said the teacher rec’ds. sometimes were the deciding factor, I was even more intent on making the letter really say something. I always wrote and rewrote the letters.
Good luck and no matter what – they always end up where they are supposed to be. Fingers crossed for good news. – {I hate the way the univ. and colleges make the students wait so late. They really put the students in a Catch-22 situation!}
P. Player – YES!!! The whole world knows while you’re still in the dark. I had 3 years between this process and I don’t think I could have done it any sooner. Now I know why I stopped at 2. 🙂
SJN – Thank you for your words of faith and comfort. I know this in my heart but it’s so hard to keep this in mind when you know someone else sitting behind a desk making those decisions. Makes me reach for the chips and salsa! 🙂
Lou Lou – Congrats to your sister and thank you for your lucky wishes! 🙂
101 – All I can say is you are going to heaven, my friend! 🙂